You Got This!

Blogs and articles to teach you the things you don’t learn in school.

Jenny Gump Jenny Gump

Job Tips from Santa Claus

If we ever had the chance to sit down with jolly old Saint Nick, we’d love to hear some lessons he has learned from the job since his very first day riding the sleigh. Here's what we imagine he’d say.

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Jenny Gump Jenny Gump

Mindset Monday: 2020 Edition

2020 has been unpredictable, and it has likely2 tested you in ways you never would have imagined in your wildest dreams. However, here you are. Despite all the challenges, the emotions, the unknown, the confusion, and everything in between, you have made it this far!

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Jenny Gump Jenny Gump

Can I Mask You a Question?

Now that masks have become an essential item for jobs that interact with the public, it’s become a challenge when speaking to customers. Good news: we have some solutions!

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Jenny Gump Jenny Gump

Cheese the Day

It ain’t easy being cheesy…or is it? In honor of National Cheese Pizza Day today, we’re honoring the delicious melty topping with an honest (and slightly cheesy) reminder that sometimes good things take time.

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Jenny Gump Jenny Gump

Winning at Work

Have you landed your first job, a summer job or a customer-service job but you don’t feel completely prepared? Our course, Winning at Work, is here to help!

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Jenny Gump Jenny Gump

Make a Splash on the Job

In honor of National Waterpark Day today, we’re looking at some ways you can make a splash on the job while working at a waterpark.

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Jenny Gump Jenny Gump

Taylor Swift’s First Job

Did you know that before Taylor Swift became the star that she is today she worked at her family’s Christmas tree farm? That’s right, even Taylor Swift had to put in some dirty work before her fame.

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