Job Tips from Santa Claus

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If we ever had the chance to sit down with jolly old Saint Nick, we’d love to hear some lessons he has learned on the job since his very first day riding the sleigh. Here's what we imagine he’d say:

1) Make a list and check it twice. Lesson learned: Preparation is key. Whether it's preparing for a job interview or reviewing new company procedures, it's important to take the time necessary to be prepared.
2) You better not pout. Whenever possible, don't complain on the job - your energy is contagious and in order to keep the morale up for your coworkers, it's best to stay positive. And let’s be real, there are bad days and challenging customers. But try to look for the best, or the learning moment, in every tough situation. You’ll be better for it.
3) Take time to listen. Mr. Claus is known to listen, and listen very well, to the wants and wishes of people all over the world. Takeaway? Get to know others (both your team and customers) and their needs so you can better serve them.
4) Communicate, for goodness sake. The elves and Mr. Claus would likely get nothing done if it weren't for clear communication and teamwork.
5) Stay merry, even under your mask. In all his years, even Santa Claus has seen nothing like 2020. But he has also learned that even through the tough days, there is still joy to be spread. And people know when you’re smiling, even if it is under a mask.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!


Mindset Monday: 2020 Edition